ITEL researches are related with the fundamental issues of heat transfer and their applications.
Phase change heat transfer, especially liquid-vapor phase changes have much more substantial benefits than single phase heat transfer. We investigate the fundamental physics of flow boiling/condensation phenomena in multi scales. Research approaches are taken by both analytical and experimental methods.
- Micro-channel flow boiling
- Subcooled flow boiling and critical heat flux
- Enhanced surface pool boiling
- Condensation heat transfer
Phase Change Heat Transfer
Thermal Management
Nowadays high powered electronic componenents requires delicate thermal managements. Thermal managements covers cooling, temperature control, hot spot management, and high heat flux removal, etc. Objective applications are numerous like traditional electronic system, micro processor, telephone(wired and wireless) system, electric vehicle (EV, car and train) power electronics, power electronics for renewable power plants (wind, solar, fuel cell, ...) etc. Without proper thermal managments, heat dissipation from these applications becomes out of control and leads to the entire system failure.
- Heat sink design for both single phase and two phase cooling media
- Low temperature refrigeration cooling
- Heat pipe and spreader
- Contact resistance anlysis
- Computational thermal analysis and simulation [CFD] using commercial pacakges like Icepak, Flotherm, Fluent, etc.
Thermal System Development and Analysis
Emerging challege to human being is the depletion of fossil fuels. Securing sustainable energy resources and their conversion is an important task for engineers and scienctists. Our research activities emphasize on system development and efficiency improvement of system components.
- Thermodynamic cycle analysis on systems
- Organic Rankine Cycle power generation
- Solar thermal and air conditioning
- Waste heat recovery and harvesting
- Thermal system component design and improvement including working fluids

Micro-channel boiling Research @ Purdue BTPFL